27th May 2021
At the end of May 21 our remarkable Administrator, Jo Bourne, left us. During her 10 years with us Jo was a fundamental part of everything that we do at The Hearth. She was the ‘linchpin’ between our Artists, our Café, our Hall users, many of the Visitors plus of course our Volunteers & Trustees.

Joanna Bourne is (and always has been) an artist in her own right, a printmaker living in Newcastle upon Tyne, specialising in woodcuts as well as creating prints using etching, drypoint and lithography.

At the end of May, for the first time in 18 months, as many of us as was possible got together (COVID safe distancing and all in our outside space) … so it was quite a celebration on various levels. We feasted on big pots of tea and outstanding cups of coffee with delicious scones and pieces of home-made cake – all thanks to Alanna, Jarvis and staff from The Hearth Café. We sat in the ‘spinney’ at the rear of the Hearth site, under the trees in the sunshine, listening to the birds singing, just enjoying being together and celebrating our time with Jo. It was a total joy and oh so memorable.

We all wish you Jo every happiness and success now you are able to spend more time on your own art. Hope you will come back to the Hearth even if that is mainly driven by the coffee and cakes!!
All the very best from everyone at The Hearth.